Saturday, December 20, 2008

angsty? antsy?

so. i'm in miami. turned out i'd get to gua faster by walking than by flying out of l.a.-- the airline i wanted to fly on isn't even taking standy passes till after xmas. i have a set of options

a) wait till my standby pass for gua comes out (hopefully monday... hopefully) and try my best getting on a flight (probably friday)
b)stay here and go with the fam to nyc for new years. blah. a car trip. with my dad. for three days, going and back. don't think so. not even for you, miss big apple. sorry.
c)buy a damn ticket to guatemala for around 300 bucks.
d)order a ticket to buenos aires and meet up with abs and co. and count on having a liver transplant by 35?
e) fly to guatemala, then fly to south america once the free tickets come out on the 15h

and my main concern is just getting out of mia. for reals. as quickly as poss.

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yeah really.

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enthusiasm to the core