Sunday, December 21, 2008

till the crack of dawn?

art official, playing at the transfer? i'm sure that's not the name of the bar cuz that's a bay area bar but what the heck, i can't remember the bar's name. they were cool. the music that is. met the band. not so cool. does that make a diff? yes. saw people i knew from high school, pretended not to. they didn't recognize me, but that's a given. having weird hipsterish/hobo hair helps.. man i need a haircut.

played megaman, ecco, and ninga gaiden? gaidon? guedion? at sussy's. ordered taco bell. played super mario bash part 8. really, a part 8 already? yes.

miss oaktown. talked about it incessantly. even i'm saying wow? really? i get it. it's awesome.

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yeah really.

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enthusiasm to the core