Sunday, December 7, 2008

Resolved: i will fictionalize my travels and submit you to my rantings

i realize i should state intent.

1. this will first and foremost be a travel blog, which will surely ramble on and on and will have nothing but inane posts about internet websites i like ( and what food i ate last night (everette and jones) and why i'm still rambling (this is my writing style, get used to it. it goes nowhere and everywhere) untl i actually start travelling.

2. i will begin to capture, catalog and systematically organize the moments of my travel days, for my own benefit and for the entertainment of those poor souls grounded to local earth and restricted of movement

3. i will refuse to capitalize

4. i will use this blog as a means of further procrastination from actual work of real value, including but not limited to bodily maintenance, mind expansion, socialization, and laundry.

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yeah really.

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enthusiasm to the core