Sunday, December 7, 2008

roll it over

I'm just going to start off ranting now so that the first post will be of little import, style, sophistication, or decadence. After today, and probably today, I am officially gainfully unemployed. No more pizza, no more customers, no more ass slapping and no more paychecks. Well, not true, I am cashing out those savory vacation hours. And i'm sure i'll enjoy some inappropriate groping in the future but never again will i be getting paid by the hour for doing so. Let's see, things i should be doing instead of worrying about writing a cool first blog entry include
-cleaning this room (such lofty goals are rarely realized)
-washing my clothes (will i wear dirty clothes tonight? yes.)
-getting a haircut (can i look like a hipster just one more time please?)
-shopping for mixtapes (ahem. please make me some.)
-cleaning my shoes
-darning my socks (what does darning mean anyways?)
-working on the end all, voice of my generation, 15 minutes of fame making novel
-charging my camera (will i ever see your faces again?)
- worrying about this trip (i still have plenty of time to plan, i'm sure)
- drinking (it's my last shift, let's go get mimosas)
-playing wii (why are you working ju, and not distracting me from the pressures of this blog entry?)

1 comment:

bfg said...

to darn is to just sew, typically the heel, of your sock. it can be boring.


yeah really.

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enthusiasm to the core